We invite you to our Tango Marathon in Warsaw:

 “DE MIL AMORES” – 27-29 September 2024

3 days of wonderful, intoxicating music, great dancing, great DJs, warm atmosphere, meeting friends, unforgettable moments…
Simply : TANGO,  TANGO and more TANGO!!!

DJs team:
– Mario Bournissen (Argentina)
– Ewa Zbrzeska (London, UK)
– Hubert Voignier (Lyon, France)
– Marcelo Almiron (Argentina / Poland)
– María Jose García (Uruguay / Sweden)
– Peter Garba (Rome, Italy)
– Guillermo Monti (Argentina)

Location: Studio Tańca Classic – ul. Poligonowa 32, Warsaw

Room with the wooden floor – space of 400 sq.m and high ceiling.

1. For the registration you need to send an e-mail to the Organizer to the following adress:


giving the information to the questions below:
a) YOUR name and surname
b) YOUR e-mail
c) YOUR telephone number (with a country code)
d) YOUR city / country
e) YOUR Facebook profile (if you have)
f) your PARTNER’s name
g) your PARTNERs e-mail
h) your PARTNER’s telephone number (with a country code)
i) your PARTNER’s city / country
j) your PARTNER’s Facebook profile

2. After receiving the application mail, the organizers will send you the confirmation of receiving your application request.
3. If you are accepted to the marathon you will receive the payment details. The payment has to be made by the bank transfer to the account of the Organizer given in the response mail or in cash personally to the Organizer.
4. The payment has to be made within 3 weeks from receiving the payment details mail
5. After receiving your payment we will sent you a separate mail which is the final CONFIRMATION of the participation in the marathon.

For the moment REGISTRATION is only for COUPLES.

You need to give all the VALID information in the registration form.

***PROGRAMME of the marathon ***

FRIDAY 27th of September 2024:
21.00 – 4.00 – night milonga
Coffee break during the milonga: tea, coffee, water, juice, assortment of cakes and mini cakes, fruits.
Hot soup during the night milonga – an assortment of 2 different soups (from 22:00 to 23:00)

SATURDAY 28th of September 2024:
14.00 – 18.00 – afternoon milonga
Hot dinner in the restaurant downstairs – to choose from the buffet – available from 14.00 – 18.30
18.00 – 21.00 – break
21.00 – 5.00 – night milonga
Hot soup during the night milonga – an assortment of 2 different soups (at 24.00)
Coffee break during all the milongas: tea, coffee, water, juice, assortment of cakes and mini cakes, fruits.

SUNDAY 29th of September 2024:
13.00 – 18.00 – afternoon milonga
– Hot dinner in the restaurant downstairs – to choose from the buffet – available from 14.00 – 18.30
18.00 – 20.00 – break
20.00 – 2.00 – night milonga
Hot soup during the night milonga – an assortment of 2 different soups (at 22.00)
Coffee break during the all milongas: tea, coffee, water, juice, assortment of cakes and mini cakes, fruits.

SUNDAY 29th of September 2024:
13.00 – 18.00 – afternoon milonga
– Hot dinner in the restaurant downstairs – to choose from the buffet – available from 14.00 – 18.30
18.00 – 20.00 – break
20.00 – 2.00 – night milonga
Hot soup during the night milonga – an assortment of 2 different soups (at 22.00)
Coffee break during the all milongas: tea, coffee, water, juice, assortment of cakes and mini cakes, fruits.

COST: 600 pln / person (140 euros / person)
In the price you get:

– entrance to all milongas
– coffee break during the all milongas: tea, coffee, water, juice, assortment of cakes and mini cakes, fruits.
– hot soup during the night milongas (on Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
– 2 hot dinners in the restaurant downstairs (on Saturday and Sunday) – to choose from the buffet – available from 14.00 – 18.30


Please do not buy any flight tickets and do not make any hotel reservations before registering, paying for the marathon and receiving our final CONFIRMATION mail (which we send to you AFTER receiving your payment).

We do not take any responsibility for your premature travel / hotel reservation or purchase and we do not reimburse the cost of those.

Come and enjoy!
Luiza & Marcelo Almiron (“Los Almis”)

Luiza: (+48) 501-372-170
Marcelo: (+48) 500-200-132